Preparing and Printing a Balance Sheet


The two principal financial reports required by all companies are their Balance Sheet and Income Statement.

The Balance Sheet summarizes the value of your business at a certain instant in time by subtracting your Liabilities from your Assets (and factoring in your Equity). It is formatted automatically by the software to GAAP standards. The Balance Sheet may be printed at any time, for any date.

Accessing the Balance Sheet

  1. Start the General Ledger Manager.

  2. Double click Balance Sheet or Balance Sheet (Consolidated)* under Reports at the bottom of the treeview.

  3. Set the date range to report by setting the Start Date and the End Date.

  4. Click on Create.

* Balance Sheet (Consolidated) only appears on the Franchise and Enterprise Editions of the software and allows you to print a consolidated balance sheet for all locations or a specific division. When you create a consolidated financial report, the data is cached. That is, a copy of the data for all locations is store on the server and is updated automatically a couple of times per day. If you want to manually refresh the data then click the drop down on the create button and then click refresh.

Balance Sheet Toolbar

* Balance Sheet (Consolidated) only appears on the Franchise and Enterprise Editions of the software and allows you to print a consolidated balance sheet for all locations or a specific division. When you create a consolidated financial report, the data is cached. That is, a copy of the data for all locations is store on the server and is updated automatically a couple of times per day. If you want to manually refresh the data then click the drop down on the create button and then click refresh.

Refer to Equity Accounts for a detailed explanation of how the software's Equity Accounts are calculated.

Prepare Balance Sheet Tour